Tag: Michigan
Progressive Town, Progressive Food

For as long a I can remember the food scene in Ann Arbor, Michigan has been grounded in hippy health-food culture. Vegetarian, vegan, health-conscious, and organic foods abound in co-ops and eateries all over town. One well-established restaurant that exemplifies conscientious consumption of food is The Earthen Jar–a vegetarian Indian buffet. More recently, Ann Arbor’s […]
Cherries, and Berries, and Jams! Oh, My!

There are tiny jewels in the bushes and trees of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. They arrive as tiny, sour buds in the spring and mature into colorful, juicy, and sweet berries during mid to late summer. Last year’s mild winter made for an early berry season this year, and during our recent stay in Michigan, Amanda […]
A Superior Site

The Pictured Rocks were recommended to us by our Uncle Lawry, whose well-traveled advice we follow whenever possible, so off we went to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We camped at 12 mile beach, which is a campground just North of where the large cliffs start their rapid rise straight up into the sky from […]